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Prose Workshop: Flash Fiction and Nonfiction That Matter

  • Chautauqua Institution Online (map)

Flash fiction and nonfiction gives you new ways into prose. Each week, we will be reading pieces to discover what can be done with flash more effectively and meaningfully than longer works. We will be reading classical pieces from as far back as the Age of Enlightenment to current work and using flash to help us find our own extraordinary point-of-view. We’ll also investigate nature writing, ekphrasis, vignettes, settings, editing strategies, developing full collections, publishing nuts and bolts, and more. We will be generating new work and helping you with work in progress if you have something you’re working on. This is a supportive environment in which your work, your voice, and your story is respected and revered. Flexible. (ages 18+)

Class will not meet on November 26th.

Later Event: December 17
Verse Virtual December Poetry Reading